Antonia Ruffell, StartGiving CEO, has been appointed to the board of UNICEF Australia.
In five years, our richest citizens' wealth has doubled, but Australia’s collective giving has barely grown. StartGiving is on a mission to change that.
Are we really a nation of wealthy misers, or is there something more complex at play?
Three current giving trends, highlighting how, even in uncertain times, tech founders are uniquely placed to drive impactful change.
A selection of tech-forward good gifting suggestions from StartGiving.
A StartGiving vodcast with Cliff Obrecht about a practical way to start giving early and how keeping billions of dollars was never an option.
Cliff Obrecht shares a practical way to start giving early and how keeping billions of dollars was never an option.
As a founder or successful exec interested in giving, should you set up your own foundation and when is the right time to do it?
A StartGiving vodcast with Peter Singer about what it means for tech founders to live an ethical life and the pleasure of giving.
Peter Singer chats about what it means to live an ethical life, the emergence of a new norm of generosity and the pleasure of giving.
Daniel Petre AO has been named by the Federal Government as a member of the new National Reconstruction Fund Board.
StartGiving strongly supports a YES vote on the Voice to Parliament.
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